“To connect you with the market”


We aim to bridge the gap between our domestic and international markets with friendly and supportive trade relations. We are striving for:

  • Growing Afghanistan’s economy by Organizing exhibitions and conferences in Afghanistan and aboard.
  • Boosting growth and prosperity of the Afghan domestic industry.
  • Helping our industrialists and executives access international markets.
  • Familiarizing Afghan industrialists with modern machinery and technology.
  • Making Afghan industrialists and businessmen participate in domestic and international exhibitions to meet potential customers.
  • Expanding Afghan trade-relationships with International traders.
  • Creating direct relationships between domestic traders and foreign manufacturers and suppliers.
  • Organizing B2B meetings on domestic and international platforms.
  • Creating facilities for joint ventures inside and outside Afghanistan.


“To connect you with the market”
We aim to bridge the gap between our domestic and international markets with friendly and supportive trade relations. We are striving for:

  1. Growing Afghanistan’s economy by Organizing exhibitions and conferences in Afghanistan and aboard.
  2. Boosting growth and prosperity of the Afghan domestic industry.
  3. Helping our industrialists and executives access international markets.
  4. Familiarizing Afghan industrialists with modern machinery and technology.
  5. Making Afghan industrialists and businessmen participate in domestic and international exhibitions to meet potential customers.
  6. Expanding Afghan trade-relationships with International traders.
  7. Creating direct relationships between domestic traders and foreign manufacturers and suppliers.
  8. Organizing B2B meetings on domestic and international platforms.
  9. Creating facilities for joint ventures inside and outside Afghanistan.


“To stand tall among the pioneers who are driving Afghanistan’s economy in entirely new direction by reshaping market boundaries and enabling the investors to get the best returns for their investments”

There are potential and lucrative domestic and international markets, where opportunities lie in abundance. Our vision is to explore and document those hidden opportunities, and to make our clients make the most out of them, in terms of growing the business as well as the entire economy of Afghanistan. Our well-experienced management team has expertise in highlighting the potential of the country to attract domestic and foreign investment. 

Technical Research and Extension Support

Impact assessment of agricultural development and research programs Policy analysis and preparation of short, medium, and long term development plans and strategies. Assessment of researches’ activities and preparation of short, medium, and long-term research plans and strategies. Advising, planning, designing on-farm research activities for assessing the adaptability and adoptability of new technologies for specific locations and agro-ecological zones. Support the development of varieties’ release procedures, and catalogues Support for the gene bank improvement, national collection management, and extension. Advising on plans and strategies for a regular extension of research outputs, methods, inputs, and new applicable technologies. Work on short, medium, and long-term plans and strategies for a timely extension of all applicable innovative and developed technologies, concepts, methods, and management systems. Improve digital extension Assessments for decentralizing the agricultural research and extension


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OCSA Consulting Services work for the capacity building of the public and private sectors in modern and suitable agriculture and farming systems, agribusiness, environment, forestry and natural resources, livestock, postharvest technology, and marketing. The OCSA – Consulting Services operate and consulting projects cost-effectively with quality and timely completion behavior.


GIG Way Exhibition Services, est. 2019, provides a wide range of services that include but not limited to Organizing Exhibitions, Event management, and holding Conferences, Seminars, B2B Meetings, Business Delegation, and providing result-oriented Marketing & Advertisement specialties.

Reaching out to global audiences and tapping the domestic as well as international markets, it has to welcome an open economy, employing skillful strategies to jump exports and a thoughtful look at the needs and desires of different customers in different markets. It all demands thorough knowledge, expertise in specific traits, trade experience, impressive communication, and understanding of modern technology. We, at GIG Way Exhibition Services, are grateful to have all such expertise that we have acquired over the past years in the wake of hosting and managing massively successful international exhibitions and events not only in Afghanistan but escorting business delegations across the borders to various Asian and European countries.

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